SDL-News: SDL vs UML

Subject: SDL-News: SDL vs UML
From: Maha Boughdadi (
Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 - 21:36:45 GMT

The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Maha Boughdadi <> to sdlnews -----

I would like to know if some comparison work has been done concerning
UML vs SDL for Real-Time system design (such as CORBA )
Please send me white papers (or where I can find them), URL's ....
Thank you,

--Maha Boughdadi
Computer Aided Engineering
Motorola, Boynton Beach, Florida
Phone: (561) 739 2021
Pager: (561) 739 2070 ##5484
Fax  : (561) 739 3955

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