existing entity (Z100)

<existing typebased block definition>::=
<dashed block symbol> contains { <block identifier> { <gate>* }set }

<dashed block symbol>::=


An <existing typebased block definition> can only appear in a subtype definition. It represents the block defined in the supertype of the subtype definition. Additional channels connected to gates of the existing block may be specified.


<existing typebased process definition>::=
<dashed process symbol> contains
{ <process identifier> { <gate>* }set }

<dashed process symbol>::=



An <existing typebased process definition> can only appear in a subtype definition. It represents the process defined in the supertype of the subtype definition. Additional signal routes connected to gates of the existing process may be specified.


<existing typebased service definition>::=
<dashed service symbol> contains
{ <service identifier> { <gate>* }set }

<dashed service symbol> ::=


An <existing typebased service definition> can only appear in subtype definitions. It represents a service specified in the supertype of the subtype definition. Additional signal routes connected to gates of the existing service may be specified.

<existing gate symbol> ::= <gate symbol 1> | <gate symbol 2>

<gate symbol 1> ::=

<gate symbol 2> ::=

An <existing gate symbol> can only appear in a subtype definition, and it is then a representative for the gate with the same <gate name> specified in the supertype of the subtype definition.