
A block is a container of processes (or of blocks, that in turn may contain processes or blocks etc.). Processes of a block are contained in process sets that are connected by signal routes.

A block is created as part of the creation of the enclosing block or system. All blocks are created as part of the system creation, that is there is no dynamic creation of blocks.

A block is specified either
directly (singular block)



or as a block set according to a block type.
The block set is not a reference
(as CentralUnit).
It designates a set of block instances.
The example here specifies a set of 100
blocks of type AccessPoint:


In the latter case,
the AccessPoint must have
been defined as a block type:


The block CentralUnit is defined in a separate block diagram , while the properties of the blocks in the ls block set is defined by the block type LocalStation. A block type is defined by a block type diagram. If you want to see a block type defined in terms of a substructure of blocks, look at block type diagram of AccessPoint with block substructure .
